Welcome to the website of the Department of Plastic Surgery,
Kauvery Specialities Hospital, Cantonment, Trichy.Reconstructive surgery
Video of a man having undergone reconstructive surgery after a devastating infection of his leg. Able to walk almost normally. Do see the Reconstructive Surgery section for his story.
Hand and microsurgery
Late post operative video, showing perfect recovery in a software engineer with a complete cut of all extensor tendons. Watch the video till the end. His pre op photographs can be seen in the Hand and Microsurgery section.
Some of our results
Our patients are our trophies. We do not use photoshopped/airbrushed images. The photographs displayed are the sole property of Dr. Skanda. We display our own results, not those of other surgeons or from the internet.

Patient 01:
Left: Pre operative view of a patient with a complex naso - ethmoidal fracture and a Le Fort II maxillary fracture. Note the flattened and deformed nose and cheek
Right: Post operative view of the same patient, showing little or no external scars, a happy patient and a near original nasal skeleton

Patient 02:
Left: Pre operative view of a lady with an unsightly post burn scar under her chin
Right: The same lady a year later. Note the well settled, pencil line like scar after scar revision
Why choose Us?
Do enjoy as you stay............
Meet the Doctor
Latest News:
Hat-trick of successful replantation performed
The hand and microsurgical division is proud to report a hat trick of successful replantations and revascularizations achieved over the past 3 months, with a success rate of 90%. With this, the number of such procedures over the past 7 months goes upto 8, with only one failure. This is on par with some of the best centres in the world.